Dbvisit Standby version 6.0.48 released (16th May 2013)


New Features:

  1. Added WalkMe switch to Dbvserver (used only for demonstration)  


  1. Fixed temp file paths for SQL statement result output in Dbvserver
  2. Improve the use of RESETLOGS_ID to identify archive log files
  3. Recreate Primary Key index on dbv_transfer_log table to include LOG_ID
  4. Update Dbvisit repository to make use of intermidiate version (release) numbers when doing multi-step upgrade of software.  This release will require and update to the Dbvisit Repository when upgrading
  5. Added an additional step to check if sqlplus executable has zero size. This check is also performed for sqlplus in the ASM instance software home
  6. Internal impprovements on function cmn_exec_sql (added error file)
  7. Improve the handling of standby database recovery if a apply lag is set using APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES.  Especially when Oracle does not request any new logs to apply during the recovery process
  8. Improve the process for adding new datafiles to the standby.  Take into account the ORA-01274 error to obtain a primary name
  9. Added an additional check for SQL*Plus and RMAN to Dbvserver setup-new
  10. Add new global option "ADD_DATAFILE_FORCE_OMF" to force creating a new Oracle Managed File (OMF) file on the standby, when a new file was added to the primary and the primary file name could not be obtained
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    Devendra Ramanlal Shet

    hi Support ,

    we have license for Standby   Customer no: 661404

    Currently were are using dbvisit version 6.0.14 

    Now here we are facing an error on the standby server ,

    while we run dbvisit status   on the primary  server is fine but the  standby server show an error , which is given below , also i  have attached the trace file here ,



    Dbvisit Standby Database Technology ( (pid 5006)

    dbvisit started on ocwms12odb02: Wed Jun 26 09:16:45 2013 (CLI)

    Log file(s) for live from mkwwwwodb01 will be applied to ocwms12odb02...

    Failed to send scheduler message. See trace file /usr/tmp/5012_dbv_functions_liv                                                                                        e_201306260916.trc for details.

    201306260916 - SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to

    errorsORA-01110: data file 5: '/whizdata/oradata/live/WHIZPAYDATA.dbf'ORA-01157:

    cannot identify/lock data file 5 - see DBWR trace fileORA-01110: data file 5:

    '/whizdata/oradata/live/WHIZPAYDATA.dbf'SQL> SP2-0734: unknown command beginning

    "/home/orac..." - rest of line ignored.SQL> SP2-0042: unknown command "cancel" -

    rest of line ignored.

                    Dbvisit Standby terminated.

    Return code = 433

    (Tracefile required if contacting Dbvisit Standby support:

    /usr/tmp/5006_dbvisit_live_201306260916.trc (server:ocwms12odb02))

    201306260916 - Error sending mail, please check MAILCFG settings in Dbvisit

    Database configuration (DDC) file dbv_live.env.

    No sendmail command available at PERL2EXE_STORAGE/Dbv_utility.pm line 3099

                    Dbvisit Standby terminated.

    Return code = 770

    (Tracefile required if contacting Dbvisit Standby support:

    /usr/tmp/5006_dbvisit_live_201306260916.trc (server:ocwms12odb02))

    Return code = 770