New Features:
- Added WalkMe switch to Dbvserver (used only for demonstration)
- Fixed temp file paths for SQL statement result output in Dbvserver
- Improve the use of RESETLOGS_ID to identify archive log files
- Recreate Primary Key index on dbv_transfer_log table to include LOG_ID
- Update Dbvisit repository to make use of intermidiate version (release) numbers when doing multi-step upgrade of software. This release will require and update to the Dbvisit Repository when upgrading
- Added an additional step to check if sqlplus executable has zero size. This check is also performed for sqlplus in the ASM instance software home
- Internal impprovements on function cmn_exec_sql (added error file)
- Improve the handling of standby database recovery if a apply lag is set using APPLY_DELAY_LAG_MINUTES. Especially when Oracle does not request any new logs to apply during the recovery process
- Improve the process for adding new datafiles to the standby. Take into account the ORA-01274 error to obtain a primary name
- Added an additional check for SQL*Plus and RMAN to Dbvserver setup-new
- Add new global option "ADD_DATAFILE_FORCE_OMF" to force creating a new Oracle Managed File (OMF) file on the standby, when a new file was added to the primary and the primary file name could not be obtained
hi Support ,
we have license for Standby Customer no: 661404
Currently were are using dbvisit version 6.0.14
Now here we are facing an error on the standby server ,
while we run dbvisit status on the primary server is fine but the standby server show an error , which is given below , also i have attached the trace file here ,
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology ( (pid 5006)
dbvisit started on ocwms12odb02: Wed Jun 26 09:16:45 2013 (CLI)
Log file(s) for live from mkwwwwodb01 will be applied to ocwms12odb02...
Failed to send scheduler message. See trace file /usr/tmp/5012_dbv_functions_liv e_201306260916.trc for details.
201306260916 - SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL> ORA-00283: recovery session canceled due to
errorsORA-01110: data file 5: '/whizdata/oradata/live/WHIZPAYDATA.dbf'ORA-01157:
cannot identify/lock data file 5 - see DBWR trace fileORA-01110: data file 5:
'/whizdata/oradata/live/WHIZPAYDATA.dbf'SQL> SP2-0734: unknown command beginning
"/home/orac..." - rest of line ignored.SQL> SP2-0042: unknown command "cancel" -
rest of line ignored.
Dbvisit Standby terminated.
Return code = 433
(Tracefile required if contacting Dbvisit Standby support:
/usr/tmp/5006_dbvisit_live_201306260916.trc (server:ocwms12odb02))
201306260916 - Error sending mail, please check MAILCFG settings in Dbvisit
Database configuration (DDC) file dbv_live.env.
No sendmail command available at PERL2EXE_STORAGE/ line 3099
Dbvisit Standby terminated.
Return code = 770
(Tracefile required if contacting Dbvisit Standby support:
/usr/tmp/5006_dbvisit_live_201306260916.trc (server:ocwms12odb02))
Return code = 770