Central Console: Tasks and Task Tracking



One of the central elements of the Standby GUI is the Task system. Whenever a major process is initiated, a Task is created to track every aspect of that process and make all the information available to the user.

The list of major processes is as follows:

  • CSD
  • Send/Apply Logs
  • Synchronize Standby
  • Perform Graceful Switchover
  • Activate Standby Database
  • Recreate Standby Control File
  • Refresh One Data file
  • Send One Log File

At the bottom of any screen in the Standby GUI, you will find the Active Task List pane [1]. This is where all the Tasks known to the system, across all Hosts, are displayed, in order of their updated/completed timestamps. As soon as a new process is launched (and a new Task created), it will appear here. All Task information is always updated in REAL TIME, with no more than a 1-2 seconds delay.

The Active Task List displays a maximum of SEVEN tasks at any one time. Tasks beyond this range, i.e. older, can be viewed by clicking the View Task History button [2].

10.1 Task States

A Task can be in one of four states:

  • Active [1] - An active task is one that is currently running. It is always shown in blue. Clicking an Active Task will produce a blue lightbox popup that displays a progress log of everything that Task has done up to the present moment. This lightbox is also Live & Real Time, i.e. you can leave this open on your screen, and it will dynamically update with new progress information while the Task is running.
  • Completed [2] - A completed Task is one that has finished successfully. It is always shown greyed-out, with a green success tick mark in the top right corner. Clicking on a Completed Task will produce a full progress log of everything that was done while the Task ran. As the Task is no longer running, this progress log is no longer updated.
  • Completed with an Error [3] - These are Tasks that have finished unsuccessfully, i.e. terminated with a fatal error. They are always shown greyed-out, with a red cross in the top right corner. Clicking a Completed with Error Task will display a red lightbox with error information at the top, followed by the progress log up to the point of failure. As these tasks have finished/terminated, they are no longer updated.
  • Paused/Awaiting Input [4] - Currently only relevant to Create Standby Database Task processes, these Tasks are awaiting user input. Always shown first in the list, and highlighted in yellow and grey, these Tasks are awaiting user input to continue. You will most often see a Paused Task when running CSD with the Transportable Media option enabled. Clicking on a Paused Task will bring up the progress log as usual, but with a special "Resume" command button at the top left corner, clicking this will resume the Task from its current state.

10.2 Task Interactions

You can interact with any Task in two ways:

  1. Rollover [1] - Rolling your mouse over a Task will cause it to slide out horizontally, exposing the name of the process the Task represents, as well as the most recent progress update. This is a good way to very quickly check Task status at a glance.

  2. Click [2] - Clicking into a Task will bring up the progress/details lightbox. This will contain the progress log of everything the Task has done up to the present moment, as well as any errors. If there are errors, the lightbox will be red.

10.3 Create Support Package from Task

Once a Task finishes, either successfully or with an error, you are able to quickly and easily generate a Dbvisit Support Package from within that Task's details lightbox. Should you need to contact Dbvisit Support, this will be invaluable to us to help diagnose your problem.

At the top of any completed Task's progress log, click the Create Support Package button [1] to initiate the generation of the Support Package. This will contain all the logs and configuration files relevant to the selected Task. The button text will briefly change to "Generating...", and then to "Click to Download". Clicking this button will initiate the download of the Support Package to your PC.

Support packages may also be generated for any process on any Host, even processes not displayed in the Task History, as long as the PID number of the process is known. To do this, click the Create Support Package button within the Active Task List subheader [2], choose the desired Configuration/DDC and enter the PID number.

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