Dbvisit Standby 9.0.08 (6 December 2019) Released



There is a number of changes being introduced with each update.  Some updates may come with specific requirements.

  • Please note that Dbvserver (Central Console) will not be able to install on Solaris and AIX based systems.
  • The Central Console must be installed on a Linux or Windows-based system (Linux recommended).
  • Dbvisit Observer (Auto-Failover tool) must be installed on a Linux or Windows-based system only.

Known Issues

It is possible that some of the release updates will include known issues.  This section should be reviewed for any new release.  

Solaris and AIX 

It is important to take note of the following:

  • Dbvisit Standby can be installed and used on Solaris based systems (Solaris 10+) with the exception that the Central Console (Dbvserver) must be installed and running on a Linux or Windows-based system.
  • Dbvserver (Central Console) cannot be installed on Solaris and AIX based systems.
  • Dbvisit Observer (Auto-Failover tool) cannot be installed Solaris and AIX based systems.


  • Dbvisit Standby currently only supports ipv4, not ipv6.
  • It was noted that on windows ipv6 may be favoured and if the hostname resolution is not ipv4, Dbvnet, Dbvserver and Dbvagent might listen on ipv6 when started.
  • It is recommended to make sure the hostnames used in the Dbvisit Standby configurations, resolve to an ipv4 address and not ipv6.
  • If Dbvnet, Dbvserver and Dbvagent are not able to listen on ipv4 due to name resolution favouring ipv6, you will have to make use of ipv4 IP addresses in the Dbvnet, Dbvagent, Dbvserver configuration files as well as your Dbvisit Standby DDC file (for the SOURCE and DESTINATION)
  • Using the following commands after starting Dbvnet, Dbvagent and Dbvserver, you will be able to identify if it is listening on ipv4 or ipv6:
    • Dbvnet:   netstat -an|findstr 7890
    • Dbvagent:  netstat -an|findstr 7891
    • Dbvserver: netstat -an|findstr 4433

Change Log

Important Notes  

  • Oracle 10gR2 ( is now supported - using the latest patch set is required
      • This excludes Oracle 10g RAC configurations which are not supported
      • If using Oracle ASM - the version of ASM must be 11.2 and above (Graceful Switchover will not be possible if ASM version of 10.2 is used)
  • Using SSH as communication between primary and standby hosts is fully supported. The default is to use Dbvnet, but SSH password-less communication is still supported. 

9.0.08 (6 December 2019)


DS9-306: The dbvctl upgrade procedure now requires confirmation that it is being executed on the primary location, in order to avoid erroneous executions on standby
DS9-323: Dbvisit Observer now has more available actions through the Central Console for resolving various error states
DS9-381: Improved special-case error messaging for the Dbvisit Snapshots Utility, e.g. attempted use of the Apply Log Gap parameter
DS9-382: Added new example Dbvisit Observer Custom User Script for Windows
DS9-398: Disaster Recovery Testing functionality made more robust & reliable, especially in ASM environments
DS9-401: Improved UX of DDC/CSD parameter editing through the Central Console
DS9-435: Improved consistency for Central Console reporting of CLI-generated Tasks
DS9-449: Improved Dbvisit Observer's ability to handle monitoring multiple DDCs at the same time
DS9-448: CSD creation can now be run from template data stored in a JSON file (using the -j option)
DS9-453: Improved licence key parameters visibility - the Licence page will now display any available permissions for extra features, e.g. Dbvisit Snapshots
DS9-471: Improved error reporting for attempting to create Snapshots on unsupported environments, e.g. Windows or non-LVM systems.


9.0.06 (18 November 2019)


Dbvisit Snapshots - Quickly create automated snapshots of your standby databases


DS9-298: Dbvisit Observer now allows sendmail interaction on port 25 without AUTH
DS9-398: Extended length backup image file names now supported
DS9-399: MAILCFG_FORMAT DDC parameters now editable through the Central Console


9.0.04 (10 October 2019)


Dbvisit Observer is now also available for Windows systems


DS9-245: Long DDC/Hostnames should now display nicely on Manage Configurations & Manage Databases pages
DS9-265: The Installed Databases dropdown during DDC creation should now correctly populate on Windows systems
DS9-281: Running Graceful Switchover should now always cause the Central Console to auto-update the Host relationship
DS9-308: Daemon commands from the Manage Databases page will now always execute correctly on all supported operating systems
DS9-310: Dbvisit Observer logs will now by default go into the same directory as the executable
DS9-312: "User"-level accounts can now create DDCs between Hosts linked to the User's account
DS9-313: Add New Host quick-guide now appears correctly
DS9-314: DMN_MAX_FAIL_NOTIFICATIONS now always works as intended
DS9-318: Dbvisit Observer actions are now correctly hidden from "User"-level accounts
DS9-324: Support Packages are now correctly generated in cases of remote execution errors
DS9-332: dbvagent now capable of handling multiple simultaneous Task requests
DS9-358: DDC version records on the webserver are now always correctly updated after upgrading DDCs
DS9-360: It is no longer possible to delete DDCs before disabling Dbvisit Observer monitoring

9.0.02 (15 July 2019)


1. New Dbvisit Observer component - remotely monitor your Dbvisit Standby Configurations (DDCs), and auto-failover if necessary
2. New languages - added Chinese Traditional & Chinese Simplified to the available Central Console (GUI) language options

DS9-266: Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) databases now correctly open in read-only mode
DS9-283: Log gap report is now correctly attached to scheduler emails
DS9-243: Password files now correctly copied into Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM), if used
DS9-235: The Disaster Recovery (DR) Test option can now be run in batch mode from the Command Line Interface (CLI)
DS9-234: The read-only test "ro_test" can no longer be run on the primary system using the CLI


9.0.00 (31 May 2019)


1. New Central Console look and feel - better performance and usability
2. New Central Console languages - now available in English, French, German, Spanish and Japanese
3. New Improved and streamlined Create Standby Database (CSD) process
4. New Disaster Recovery Actions functions - easily test whether your environment is ready to switchover, without affecting your Source location (this includes the option to create backups prior to activation)
5. New Alert notifications in Central Console - automatic notifications and event tracking in case of important events, e.g. log gap threshold exceeded
6. New Interactive graphs - statistical information available for host/CPU load and DDC log time gap
7. New User guides - not sure how to perform a CSD, Sync or other action? Let our new interactive guide system lead you through it step by step.
8. Command Line Interface (CLI) core tasks will now be pushed to Central Console, making CLI tasks visible in the Console
9. Better emails - introducing HTML templates
10. Hundreds of minor improvements to usability, stability, performance and customisation

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