Dbvisit Standby Command Line Interface (CLI)


1. Introduction

This section will provide you with more information on using the Dbvisit Standby version 10 command line interface.

2.   "dbvctl" Help

The first command you need to be familiar with is the "dbvctl -h" command which will display the syntax and usage options for the Dbvisit Standby command line interface.

You might find it strange that this is the first option to discuss, but it is actually one of the most important.  It is a quick and easy way for you to find out the correct command syntax before executing it.

There are a number of help options available to you:


  • dbvctl -f # display system info
  • dbvctl -h # display full help
  • dbvctl -h -f # display functions list
  • dbvctl -h -f <function> # display help on <function>
  • dbvctl -h --csd # display help on CSD
  • dbvctl -h --sync # display help on SYNC
  • dbvctl -h -o # display help on -o options
  • dbvctl -h -L # display license agreement
  • dbvctl -V # display Dbvisit version

2.1.  The Quick (short) help

The short or quick help option can be obtained by executing the "dbvctl" command without any arguments.


[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl
 Dbvisit Standby Version 10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041

  dbvctl -d <ddc> [--suppress] [-v]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -i [--silent]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -l [<new_license_key>] [--force]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -R
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -r sequence# -t thread#
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -c
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -C
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o status
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o start|stop|restart [--database]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o open|read [--database]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o ro_test
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o activate [--mode CLI|BATCH|GUI] [--force] [--noprompt]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o dr_test [--mode CLI|BATCH|GUI] [--backup --backup_type image|backupset --backup_location bck_dir] [--noprompt]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o reinstate [--mode CLI|BATCH|GUI] [--switch] [--noprompt]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o switchover [--logswitch]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o update_ddc_file|update_dbenv_file
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -o upgrade [--noprompt] [--force]
  dbvctl [-d <ddc>] -o setup [--mode CLI|GUI] [--nolic] [--noprompt] [--action new|install|uninstall] [-j json_file]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> --csd [--mode CLI|BATCH|GUI] [--restart] [--noprompt] [-j json_file] [--dump_template]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> --sync [--mode CLI|BATCH|GUI] [--tmp_dir <tmp_dir>] [--tmp_dir_dest <tmp_dir_dest>] [--sync_lag] [--sync_nologging] [-j json_file]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -D start|stop|status
  dbvctl [-d <ddc>] -f <function> [-a <key=value>]...[-a <key=value>] [-j <json_file_name>]
  dbvctl -d <ddc> -f support_package [-a pid=<pid>]

  dbvctl -f                 # display system info
  dbvctl -h                 # display full help
  dbvctl -h -f              # display functions list
  dbvctl -h -f <function>   # display help on <function>
  dbvctl -h --csd           # display help on CSD
  dbvctl -h --sync          # display help on SYNC
  dbvctl -h -o              # display help on -o options
  dbvctl -h -L              # display license agreement
  dbvctl -V                 # display Dbvisit version

2.2.  Listing the installed Dbvctl version

There are two ways to list the installed version of the Dbvisit Standby command line interface "dbvctl".  The two options are:

  • dbvctl -V     (short version)
  • dbvctl -f       (detailed version)


[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -V
[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -f
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (www.dbvisit.com)
dbvctl: 10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041
Dbvisit Standby time is: 202011281401 (YYYYMMDDHH24MI)
Current user is: oracle
Server name is: dbv1
Linux 4.19.76-linuxkit
CPU count: 6 2600 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8850H CPU @ 2.60GHz

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:01:09 2020

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$

2.3.  Creating a Support Package

There are multiple options to create a support package:

  • Creating a general support package
  • Creating a support package for a specific process (PID) - which is for a task that was already executed.

The command to execute the support package is:

dbvctl -d <ddc> -f support_package [-a pid=<pid>]

Once the support package is created, it will be located in the DBVISIT_BASE/standby/support directory.


[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -f support_package -a pid=485
Support package /usr/dbvisit/standby/support/485_DEV_202011281401.tar.gz created.
[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ls -lrt /usr/dbvisit/standby/support/485_DEV_202011281401.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 527260 Nov 28 14:01 /usr/dbvisit/standby/support/485_DEV_202011281401.tar.gz
[oracle@dbv1 standby]$

3.  Sending and Applying Logs

3.1.  Sending Logs 

Sending archive logs to the standby database can be done by running the following command:  ./dbvctl -d <DDC>

3.1.1.  Example 1:  Single Instance Environment

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 1764)
dbvctl started on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:02:25 2020

>>> Obtaining information from standby database (RUN_INSPECT=Y)... done
    Thread: 1 Archive log gap: 0. Transfer log gap: 0

Note FORCE_LOGGING is disabled in the primary database.

>>> Sending heartbeat message... skipped
>>> Performing a log switch... done
>>> Transferring Log file(s) from DEV on dbv1 to dbv2:

    thread 1 sequence 11 (o1_mf_1_11_hw38f4yn_.arc)... done

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:02:32 2020

3.1.1.  Example 2:  Oracle RAC Primary Environment

When running Dbvisit Standby on an Oracle RAC primary Dbvisit Standby will send logs for all Oracle RAC threads to the standby site.  From Dbvisit Standby version 8, it is recommended to make use of shared storage and run Dbvisit Standby off only one of the Oracle RAC nodes.

In the example below, all Dbvisit Standby processes are running on node 1 in the cluster:

oracle@kiwi81[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d MYDEV
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_23_gca959724) (pid 15564)
dbvctl started on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:16:33 2020

>>> Obtaining information from standby database (RUN_INSPECT=Y)... done
    Thread: 1 Archive log gap: 1. Transfer log gap: 0
    Thread: 2 Archive log gap: 2. Transfer log gap: 0

Note FORCE_LOGGING is disabled in the primary database.

>>> Performing a log switch... done
>>> Transferring Log file(s) from MYDEV1 on kiwi812-vip to kiwi912-vip:

    thread 2 sequence 90 (thread_2_seq_90.518.1059333407)... done
    thread 1 sequence 141 (thread_1_seq_141.521.1059333403)... done

dbvctl ended on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:16:55 2020

3.2.  Applying Logs

Applying archive logs on the standby database run the following command:  ./dbvctl -d <DDC>


[oracle@dbv2 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 1602)
dbvctl started on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:02:57 2020

>>> Applying Log file(s) from dbv1 to DEV on dbv2:

    thread 1 sequence 11 (1_11_1004372670.arc)... done
    Last applied log(s):
    thread 1 sequence 11

    Next SCN required for recovery 1128071 generated at 2020-11-28:14:02:28 +13:00.
    Next required log thread 1 sequence 12

dbvctl ended on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:02:59 2020

RAC Environment

oracle@kiwi91[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d MYDEV
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_23_gca959724) (pid 6838)
dbvctl started on kiwi912-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:17:42 2020

>>> Applying Log file(s) from kiwi812-vip to MYDEV1 on kiwi912-vip:

    thread 1 sequence 140 (1_140_1009025610.arc)... done
    thread 2 sequence 88 (2_88_1009025610.arc)... done
    thread 2 sequence 89 (2_89_1009025610.arc)... done
    thread 1 sequence 140 (1_140_1009025610.arc)... done
    thread 2 sequence 90 (2_90_1009025610.arc)... done
    thread 1 sequence 140 (1_140_1009025610.arc)... done
    thread 1 sequence 141 (1_141_1009025610.arc)... done
    thread 2 sequence 90 (2_90_1009025610.arc)... done
    Last applied log(s):
    thread 1 sequence 141
    thread 2 sequence 90

    Next SCN required for recovery 1919315 generated at 2020-12-16:19:16:43 +13:00.
    Next required log thread 1 sequence 142

dbvctl ended on kiwi912-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:17:49 2020

IMPORTANT:  Regarding Scheduling or running the Dbvisit Standby version 9 Daemon (Background process) please see Dbvisit Standby Scheduling#4.RunningDbvisitStandbyintheBackground

4.  The log gap report

To ensure the primary and standby databases are up to date, you can run the Log Gap Report using the following command from the primary database server:./dbvctl -d <DDC> -i 

4.1.  Single Instance Environment

Below is an example of running a Log Gap report in a Single Instance Primary environment.  In Dbvisit Standby Version 10 the log gap report has details like source/target SCN and timestamp specified in tabular format. 

Information for only one thread will be shown.

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -i
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 1858)
dbvctl started on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:03:30 2020

Dbvisit Standby log gap report for DEV at 202011281403:
Description       | SCN          | Timestamp
Source              1128118        2020-11-28:14:03:29 +13:00
Destination         1128071        2020-11-28:14:02:28 +13:00

Standby database time lag (DAYS-HH:MI:SS): +00:01:01

Report for Thread 1
Current Sequence 12
Last Archived Sequence 11
Last Transferred Sequence 11
Last Transferred Timestamp 2020-11-28 14:02:32

Next Required Recovery Sequence 12

Transfer Log Gap 0
Apply Log Gap 0

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:03:33 2020

4.2.  Oracle RAC Primary Environment

Running the log gap report in an Oracle RAC environment will list information about all the threads in the Oracle RAC cluster.  

The command to be executed is the same, but the result as you can see below will include information for all threads.

oracle@kiwi81[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d MYDEV -i
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_23_gca959724) (pid 16743)
dbvctl started on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:19:09 2020

Dbvisit Standby log gap report for MYDEV at 202012161919:
Description       | SCN          | Timestamp
Source              1919426        2020-12-16:19:19:12 +13:00
Destination         1919315        2020-12-16:19:16:43 +13:00

Standby database time lag (DAYS-HH:MI:SS): +00:02:29

Report for Thread 1
Current Sequence 142
Last Archived Sequence 141
Last Transferred Sequence 141
Last Transferred Timestamp 2020-12-16 19:16:55

Next Required Recovery Sequence 142

Transfer Log Gap 0
Apply Log Gap 0

Report for Thread 2
Current Sequence 91
Last Archived Sequence 90
Last Transferred Sequence 90
Last Transferred Timestamp 2020-12-16 19:16:54

Next Required Recovery Sequence 90

Transfer Log Gap 0
Apply Log Gap 1

dbvctl ended on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:19:16 2020

5.  Start a Database

5.1.  Start a Primary Database

To start the Primary Database in read-write mode run the command "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o start". Dbvisit uses RMAN to start a database. Example:

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o start
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 1978)
dbvctl started on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:05:44 2020

Starting instance DEV...
Primary Database DEV started on dbv1.

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:05:52 2020

5.2.  Start a Standby Database

To start a standby database, run the command "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o start". Dbvisit uses RMAN to start a database. The standby database will be started in a mounted state, ready for recovery, for example:

[oracle@dbv2 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o start
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 1743)
dbvctl started on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:06:12 2020

Starting instance DEV...
Standby Database DEV started on dbv2.

dbvctl ended on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:06:19 2020

5.3.   Start an Oracle RAC database

To start an Oracle RAC database run the command "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o start --database". Dbvisit uses SRVCTL utility to start an Oracle RAC database.

To start a local RAC database instance run the command "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o start".

You can also use the SRVCTL utility, for example:  "srvctl start database -d DEV". 

For more detail on the SRVCTL utility, please see the Oracle Documentation or the command line help of the utility by running: "srvctl start database -h"

When starting a standby Oracle RAC database using SRVCTL utility, you must specify the "-o mount" option to start the standby database in a mounted state, where it will be ready for recovery.

6.  Restart a Database

6.1.  Restart a Primary Database

The primary database can be restarted using the command "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o restart". Dbvisit Standby will detect based on the DDC file if the database is to be started as a primary or standby based on the SOURCE and DESTINATION values and taking into account on which system the command is being executed.  This command will restart the primary database into a read/write open state.


[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV  -o restart
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (9.0.0_1271_g4b00fb49) (pid 3078)
dbvctl started on dbv1: Mon Apr 29 11:38:54 2019

Stopping instance DEV...
Primary Database DEV shutdown successfully on dbv1.
Starting instance DEV...
Primary Database DEV started on dbv1.

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Mon Apr 29 11:39:12 2019

6.2.  Restart a Standby Database

To restart the standby database, use the following command: "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o restart".  Dbvisit Standby will detect based on the DDC file if the database is to be started as a primary or standby based on the SOURCE and DESTINATION values and taking into account on which system the command is being executed.  The standby database will be restarted into a mounted state, ready for recovery.  Example: 

[oracle@dbv2 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o restart
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 1833)
dbvctl started on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:06:44 2020

Stopping instance DEV...
Standby Database DEV shutdown successfully on dbv2.
Starting instance DEV...
Standby Database DEV started on dbv2.

dbvctl ended on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:06:53 2020

7.  Stop a Database

7.1.  Stop a Primary Database

To stop the primary database, execute the command: "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o stop".  A shutdown immediate command will be used to stop the database.  Example:

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o stop
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 2098)
dbvctl started on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:07:11 2020

Stopping instance DEV...
Primary Database DEV shutdown successfully on dbv1.

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:07:20 2020

7.2.  Stop a Standby Database

To stop the standby database, execute the command: "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o stop".  A shutdown abort command will be used to stop the database.  Example:

[oracle@dbv2 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o stop
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 1937)
dbvctl started on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:07:35 2020

Stopping instance DEV...
Standby Database DEV shutdown successfully on dbv2.

dbvctl ended on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:07:37 2020

7.3.   Stop an Oracle RAC database

To stop an Oracle RAC database run the command "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o stop -database". Dbvisit uses SRVCTL utility to stop an Oracle RAC database.

To stop a local RAC database instance run the command "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o stop".

oracle@kiwi81[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d MYDEV -o stop --database
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_23_gca959724) (pid 17201)
dbvctl started on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:20:18 2020

Stopping database MYDEV...
Primary Database MYDEV shutdown successfully on kiwi812-vip.

dbvctl ended on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:20:43 2020

oracle@kiwi81[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d MYDEV -o start --database
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_23_gca959724) (pid 17643)
dbvctl started on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:21:13 2020

Starting database MYDEV...
Primary Database MYDEV started on kiwi812-vip.

dbvctl ended on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:21:46 2020

oracle@kiwi81[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d MYDEV -o status
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_23_gca959724) (pid 18261)
dbvctl started on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:21:55 2020

Instance MYDEV1 is running on node kiwi81. Instance status: Open.
Instance MYDEV2 is running on node kiwi82. Instance status: Open.
Database Instance MYDEV1 on kiwi812-vip status: Regular database open in read write

dbvctl ended on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:21:58 2020

oracle@kiwi81[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: srvctl status database -d MYDEV -v
Instance MYDEV1 is running on node kiwi81. Instance status: Open.
Instance MYDEV2 is running on node kiwi82. Instance status: Open.

You can also use the SRVCTL utility, for example:  "srvctl stop database -d DEV". 

For more detail on the SRVCTL utility, please see the Oracle Documentation or the command line help of the utility by running: "srvctl start database -h"

8.  Open Standby Database Read-only

If a standby database is in a consistent state, you should be able to open the standby database into a read-only state.  

The examples below show the attempt to enable read-only when the standby database is down.  This checks the database is down and bring the database up in READ-ONLY mode.

[oracle@dbv2 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o stop
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 2058)
dbvctl started on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:08:23 2020

Stopping instance DEV...
Standby Database DEV shutdown successfully on dbv2.

dbvctl ended on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:08:25 2020

[oracle@dbv2 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o open
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 2086)
dbvctl started on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:08:29 2020

>>> Running pre-checks please wait... done
Open Standby instance DEV in READ ONLY mode...
Standby instance DEV on dbv2 opened in READ ONLY mode.
Log files cannot be applied to Database while in READ ONLY mode.
Database tempfile(s) may need to be added to this database.

dbvctl ended on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:08:36 2020

8.1.  Open Read-only for Multitenant Database

The following only applies to Oracle or newer.

When opening the multitenant standby database Dbvisit Standby doesn't interfere with PDBs, but respects the user's settings from the primary database.
Generally, when opening CDB, Oracle uses PDB's SAVE STATE option to determine the required open mode for each and every PDB. By default SAVE STATE option is not set for PDBs, hence PDBs are opened in MOUNT state. Run the following query to determine primary database settings:

SQL> select a.con_id,a.name,a.open_mode,a.restricted,b.state as saved_state from v$pdbs a, cdb_pdb_saved_states b where a.con_id=b.con_id(+);

---------- -------------------- ---------- --- --------------
         2 PDB$SEED             READ ONLY  NO
         3 PDBX                 MOUNTED

If you require "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o open" to open certain PDB in READ ONLY you need to instruct the standby database to do so:

On primary open the PDB in READ ONLY and then run:

SQL> alter pluggable database <pdb_name> save state;
SQL> select a.con_id,a.name,a.open_mode,a.restricted,b.state as saved_state from v$pdbs a, cdb_pdb_saved_states b where a.con_id=b.con_id(+);

---------- -------------------- ---------- --- --------------
         3 PDBX                 READ ONLY  NO  OPEN READ ONLY
         2 PDB$SEED             READ ONLY  NO

Dbvisit Standby will apply these settings to the standby database. Next time you open the standby database using "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o open"  the standby PDB will be opened in READ ONLY mode.

9.  Database Status Check

The Dbvisit Standby CLI command to check the status of the databases is: "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o status"

9.1.  Status Check Example - Primary

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o status
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 2249)
dbvctl started on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:09:21 2020

Database Instance DEV on dbv1 status: Regular database open in read write mode

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:09:21 2020

9.2.  Status Check Example - Standby

[oracle@dbv2 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o status
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 2285)
dbvctl started on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:10:01 2020

Database Instance DEV on dbv2 status: Standby Database in recovery mode

dbvctl ended on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:10:01 2020

9.3.  Status Checks in an Oracle RAC configuration

Check the status of the local database instance using dbvctl:

oracle@kiwi81[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d MYDEV -o status
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_23_gca959724) (pid 18261)
dbvctl started on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:21:55 2020

Instance MYDEV1 is running on node kiwi81. Instance status: Open.
Instance MYDEV2 is running on node kiwi82. Instance status: Open.
Database Instance MYDEV1 on kiwi812-vip status: Regular database open in read write
dbvctl ended on kiwi812-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:21:58 2020

Check the status of all database instances using SRVCTL:

Example to check the status for a Primary Oracle RAC cluster database:

oracle@kiwi81[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: srvctl status database -d MYDEV -v
Instance MYDEV1 is running on node kiwi81. Instance status: Open.
Instance MYDEV2 is running on node kiwi82. Instance status: Open.

Example to check the status for a Standby Oracle RAC cluster database:

oracle@kiwi91[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: srvctl status database -d MYDEV -v
Instance MYDEV1 is running on node kiwi91. Instance status: Mounted (Closed).
Instance MYDEV2 is running on node kiwi92. Instance status: Mounted (Closed).
oracle@kiwi91[/acfs/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d MYDEV -o status
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_23_gca959724) (pid 9756)
dbvctl started on kiwi912-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:23:43 2020

Instance MYDEV1 is running on node kiwi91. Instance status: Mounted (Closed).
Instance MYDEV2 is running on node kiwi92. Instance status: Mounted (Closed).
Database Instance MYDEV1 on kiwi912-vip status: Standby Database in recovery mode

dbvctl ended on kiwi912-vip: Wed Dec 16 19:23:46 2020


9.2.4.  Status Check for Multitenant Database

When running a status check on a 12c Multitenant database you will see a status update for the pluggable databases listed as well.

The example below is from a 12c Database running on a Linux-based system.

[oracle@kiwi701 /usr/dbvisit/standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV1 -o status
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (9.0.0_1271_g4b00fb49) (pid 3040)
dbvctl started on kiwi701: Mon Apr 29 12:07:16 2019

Database DEV is running. Instance status: Open.
Database Instance DEV on kiwi701 status: Regular database open in read write mode

CON_ID  NAME                          OPEN_MODE
    1  CDB$ROOT                      READ WRITE
    2  PDB$SEED                      READ ONLY
    3  DEVPDB1                       READ WRITE

dbvctl ended on kiwi701: Mon Apr 29 12:07:19 2019

10.  Activate a Standby Database (Failover)

Activating a standby database is also known as performing a failover.  This is totally different than performing a Graceful Switchover.  

During Activation an "open resetlogs" is performed on the standby database while an attempt is made to open the standby database read-write.

If the database is in a consistent state, activation should be possible.   A quick way to test the state is by opening the standby database read-only.  If that is possible, you will be able to activate the standby database.

The command to activate the standby database is:  "dbvctl -d <DDC> -o activate"

Check the Activate (Failover) as Standby Database page for the latest options for performing DR Test and also Read-Only Test

Activating a standby database will result in it becoming a primary database. If the original primary database is still fully functional and you are only performing a DR test, it is recommended to back up the standby database prior to the activation. Once the standby database is activated, you must either restore from a backup on the standby database, or you have to recreate the standby database.

Data loss is possible when performing an activation if you have not been able to apply all redo from the primary to the standby database.

Dbvisit Standby cannot operate in the Zero Data loss mode.

The command to Activate a Standby database is:

[oracle@dbv2 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -o activate
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 2606)
dbvctl started on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:17:24 2020

>>> Running pre-checks please wait... done

Next required SCN 1129362 generated at 2020-11-28:14:17:08 +13:00

=>Do you want to proceed with activating the standby database? [no]: Yes
Your input: 1

Is this correct? <Yes/No> [Yes]:
>>> Activating now...

>>> Activation complete. Please ensure a backup of this Database is made
>>> Old archives from before the activation should be removed to avoid mix-up between new
    and old archive logs

>>> Process complete

dbvctl ended on dbv2: Sat Nov 28 14:17:42 2020

11.  Copy DDC file to the standby

If changes were made to the DDC file, you can run the following command on the primary system to copy the DDC file to the standby server.  Remember the DDC file on the primary server is considered the "master copy" : "dbvctl -d <DDC> -c". If you use -C instead of -c then the DDC copy will happen only if there is any difference between primary and standby DDC


[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -c
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 2286)
dbvctl started on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:10:41 2020

>>> Dbvisit Standby configuration copied to dbv2...

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:10:42 2020

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -C
Dbvisit Standby Database Technology (10.0.0RC_20_g5a288041) (pid 2341)
dbvctl started on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:10:55 2020

>>> No configurational differences found between dbv1 and dbv2

dbvctl ended on dbv1: Sat Nov 28 14:10:57 2020

12.  Refresh a Standby datafile from the Primary

It is possible to refresh one specific datafile on the standby database server from the primary.  The command to do this is: "dbvctl -f refresh_datafile -d DEV -a file_id=<file_id>"

[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -f refresh_datafile -h
FUNCTION refresh_datafile
Refresh a standby datafile from primary
dbvctl -f refresh_datafile -d <ddc> -a file_id=<file_id> [-a tmp_dir=<tmp_dir> -a tmp_dir_dr=<tmp_dir_dr>]


[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -f refresh_datafile -a file_id=3

>>> Back up datafile 3... done

>>> Transfer backup of datafile 3 to standby server... done

>>> Catalog backup... done

>>> Restore datafile 3... done

>>> Datafile 3 refresh complete
From: /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DEV/undotbs01.dbf on dbv1
To  : /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DEV/undotbs01.dbf on dbv2

13.  Cleanup repository

The Dbvisit Standby repository tables DBV_TRANSFER_LOG and DBV_SEQUENCE_LOG can be clean up if necessary. Below are the global variables and their default values.

REPO_MAINTAIN_DAYS = 1 (default value)

REPO_KEEP_DAYS = 30 (default value)

The cleanup function is called during the first run of the day on the primary server. If any records have been deleted, it will attempt to copy the repository to the standby server. If the copy fails, processing still continues.

A new repository table DBV_MAINTAIN_REPO is introduced as well which logs the information of the cleanup function.

To run the repo maintenance function manually, use below syntax:

dbvctl -d <DDC> -f repo_maintain [-a days2keep=N]


oracle@dbvlab01[/usr/dbvisit/standby]: ./dbvctl -d DEV -f repo_maintain -a days2keep=1

14.  Export DBV_TRANSFER_LOG into JSON

In Dbvisit Standby version 8.0.14 a new function was introduced to export the DBV_TRANSFER_LOG table into JSON output.

The command is: 

dbvctl -d <DDC> -f repo_export_table -a table=DBV_TRANSFER_LOG -a out=json


[oracle@dbv1 standby]$ ./dbvctl -d DEV -f repo_export_table -a table=DBV_TRANSFER_LOG -a out=json
         "start_epoch" : 1606524964,
         "source_host" : "DBV1",
         "process_completed" : "Y",
         "thread_num" : 1,
         "sequence" : 10,
         "process" : "TRANSFER",
         "end_timestamp" : "2020-11-28 13:56:05",
         "size_in_bytes" : 34024960,
         "checksum" : "0",
         "destination_host" : "DBV2",
         "id" : 1,
         "start_timestamp" : "2020-11-28 13:56:04",
         "db_unique_name" : "DEV",
         "process_id" : 485,
         "archive_name" : "/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/DEV/archivelog/2020_11_28/o1_mf_1_10_hw380w57_.arc",
         "log_id" : 1004372670,
         "oracle_sid" : "DEV",
         "db_unique_name_dr" : "DEV"
         "log_id" : 1004372670,
         "oracle_sid" : "DEV",
         "archive_name" : "/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/DEV/archivelog/2020_11_28/o1_mf_1_11_hw38f4yn_.arc",
         "db_unique_name_dr" : "DEV",
         "id" : 2,
         "start_timestamp" : "2020-11-28 14:02:32",
         "destination_host" : "DBV2",
         "process_id" : 1764,
         "db_unique_name" : "DEV",
         "end_timestamp" : "2020-11-28 14:02:32",
         "process" : "TRANSFER",
         "checksum" : "0",
         "size_in_bytes" : 622592,
         "start_epoch" : 1606525352,
         "process_completed" : "Y",
         "thread_num" : 1,
         "source_host" : "DBV1",
         "sequence" : 11
[oracle@dbv1 standby]$

15. Videos on how to use some of the Command Line Interface commands

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

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