1. Introduction
Dbvisit Standby is a smarter alternative for logshipping. As per SQL Server logshipping concept, our product needs to take control of the primary database log chain. Dbvisit is however able to leave copies of transaction log backups on the primary server:
You may need to modify your current primary server backup configuration to use these transaction log backup copies.
In this section, we will see how to create an SQLServer configuration in Dbvisit Multiplatform. It is important that before you continue with this section you have to ensure the pre-requisites are met.
Operating Systems are compatible
It is recommended that the primary and standby server operating systems match
SQL Server Software is installed on both the primary and standby database servers and the SQLServer instance is up and running.
The SQL Server Database software must use the same Edition - mixing editions is not recommended. Using a combination of Standard and Enterprise Edition is not supported.
You have a Primary Database already configured and it is online and fully functional.
The Dbvisit multiplatform agent manager is installed in both primary and standby. The control center is either installed on a third server or installed with the standby server.
Before creating the configuration ensure the TCP/IP is enabled in SQL Server Network Configuration. This can be done from the SQL Server configuration manager.
TCP/IP has to be enabled in both primary and standby
1.1. SQL Server Authentication modes
The SQL Server configuration can be easily created using the control center. Before creating the configuration, check what type of server authentication is used by the SQL Server instance. This can be easily found by checking the Security properties of the instance. Let's check the below example.
The authentication mode for the below instance is mixed mode, both by Windows and by SQL Server. User name and password pairs are maintained within SQL Server.
1.2 SQL Server Browser
Ensure that the SQL Server Browser service is enabled and started before creating the configuration.
2. Create SQL Server Configuration
2.1 Add SQL Server Instance
Select new configuration ( 1 ) and then click Start with SQL Server ( 2 )
To add a new SQL Server instance, select the host that has the SQL Server installed
After the server is selected, we get an option to add the new SQL Server instance either as windows Authentication or as SQL Server authentication , If you are using Windows authentication ensure the dbvisit multiplatform is installed as the same user as SQL Server instance.
If Windows Authentication ( 1 ) is selected a test connection is done on the instance and all the available user databases are listed that are part of the SQL Server instance ( 2 ). Click on Confirm & Add Instance(s) ( 3 ) to add the instance to the control center.
The SQL Server instance has mixed mode authentication then the Standby Multiplatform can be installed as different user and the Instance can be added using the SQL Server authentication ( 1 ) like below. Ensure the instance connection details are correct and also provide the sa password for the instance.
We are using the windows authentication( 1 )
for both Primary and Standby and below is the screenshot for discovering the instance for the DR Server (wha). Please note the instance does not have any user databases( 2 )
2.2 Select databases for creating configuration
Based on the Primary SQL Server , select the databases for which configuration need to be created. The configuration is created per database. So for example, if there are three databases , three different configurations are created , one for each. Below screen shot explains
After the databases are selected the target servers are enabled and highlighted and can be chosen. Selected databases for creating configuration ( 1 ). The target server that is the standby that can be chosen from the list of registerd SQL Server instance. In the below example its just one available instance for standby server wha ( 2 )
After the standby instance is selected, the process would check for connectivity between primary and standby ( 1 ) and also list the configurations that would be created ( 2 ).
A custom backup location can also be provided and is recommended for the backup of transaction logs in primary and the target location in the standby. We recommend providing each configuration with a custom location to avoid any issues.
Click on Create Configurations ( 4 ) to create the three configuration.