RMAN Incremental Backup Error while running Synchronize Standby Database Process




RMAN Incremental backup fails while running Synchronize Standby Database(SSD)

Applicable Error Code

RMAN-06184: duplicate object in backup specifier: CURCF


Versions Affected

Oracle Version

Platforms Affected

Have been noticed in Unix platforms, but should be platform independent

Source/Target (If Replication)


Problem Statement

Unable to perform SSD – RMAN incremental backup fails


No Fix in Current Version of Oracle 11.20.4


Cannot run SSD so have to re-create the Standby database using Create Standby Database Process



 When running the Synchronize Standby Database (SSD) process , RMAN incremental backup is taken for particular SCN(System Change Number) we notice the below error in RMAN.

Database version 11.2.04.

 RMAN-00571: =========================================================== 
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== 
RMAN-00571: =========================================================== 
RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 01/05/2017 10:01:05 
RMAN-06184: duplicate object in backup specifier: CURCF


Oracle confirms this to be a Bug 19766246 for which there is no fix in the current version of Oracle (

 The only way to come around this error is clean up the entire standby database and re-create the standby using the Create Standby Database(CSD) process in Dbvisit.






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