Dbvisit Standby Knowledge Base
Disaster recovery made easy!
- ★ Dbvisit Standby Cloud and Hybrid Matrix
- ★ How to create a support ticket
- ★ Using SSH as Primary Communication Layer for Dbvisit Standby
- Dbvisit CSD task fails with ORA-16026: parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 contains an invalid attribute value
- Dbvisit stops working when NFS mount is not accessible
- Recover From Test Failover
- RMAN Issues after Switchover or Failover
- CSD fails with RMAN-04014: startup failed: ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment
- Creating DDC configuration fails with error "perl:warning: Setting locale"
- CSD failed with ORA-27125
- Change Observer Password
- How to edit Dbvisit Observer Configuration file for the mail server with Invalid SSL certificate
- How to Start Standby database in recovery mode after system Reboot in Windows
- Dbvisit Replicate End of Support
- Error: ORA-65250 reports when taking rman backup of PDB
- Dbvisit Snapshot Group (Reporting Replicas) connect to random snapshot instead of latest one
- DDC creation in windows fails with ERROR_CODE:2004, Please check if TMPDIR directory in Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file dbv_<ddc>.env contains a space and modify.
- dbvctl fails with Panic: '/usr/lib64/perl5/CORE/libperl.so' is not an ActivePerl 5.16 library
- Graceful Switchover Terminated with ERROR_CODE:932
- Running CSD in non-interactive mode
- Create Standby database fails with ORA-12547 TNS:lost contact
- How to launch the Observer process with systemd?
- Graceful Switchover Fails when unified auditing is enabled
- Dbvisit Standby Basic Command Line Interface (CLI) Commands
- ERROR_CODE:2111 Cannot create a DDC file DEV: validation failed.
- ERROR_CODE:415 - Variable ARCHTMP is set to Oracle archive log destination location
- How to change the Hostnames of the Primary and Standby hosts with existing Standby configuration.
- ORA-00439: feature not enabled: Real Application Clusters
- CSD failed with ORA-00911
- ERROR_CODE:5 Error executing sqlite statement:database is locked