Archive log file is locked - File xx is in use or locked by another process


Read our docs This article explains how to resolve issue of Archive log being locked by another process.

Problem Details

Problem Statement

Archive log file is locked - File xx is in use

Applicable Error Code

Dbvisit Standby Database Technology message from xxx
Message received from process: dbvisit.exe TESTADR
(Dbvisit Standby: Process id: 17032)
201306062140 - File D:\ARCHDEST\TESTA\O1_MF_1_4208_8V2CSDVC_.ARC is in use or locked by another process. LOCK_MAX_TIME_SEC and LOCK_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC can be set in Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file dbv_TESTADR.env to set parameters for retry.
Dbvisit Standby terminated.
Return code = 603

Affected Versions

Standby Version 6.0,7.0 and 8.0

Affected Platforms

Platform Independent



We received about ten errors from one of the standby servers last night. It states as below. I checked the log gap this morning. The log gap checked this morning are 0 for both standby and dr standby. Wonder why this lock is generated and how to solve it. Thanks for your help.

Dbvisit Standby Database Technology message from xxx
Message received from process: dbvisit.exe TESTADR
(Dbvisit Standby: Process id: 17032)
201306062140 - File D:\ARCHDEST\TESTA\O1_MF_1_4208_8V2CSDVC_.ARC is in use or locked by another process. LOCK_MAX_TIME_SEC and LOCK_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC can be set in Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file dbv_TESTADR.env to set parameters for retry.
Dbvisit Standby terminated.
Return code = 603
(Tracefile required if contacting Dbvisit Standby support: D:\DBVISIT_TRACE_TESTA\17032_dbvisit_TESTADR_201306062140.trc (server:xxx))
201306062140 - Log seq 4196 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4197 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4198 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4199 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4200 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4201 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4202 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4203 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4204 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4205 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4206 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.
201306062140 - Log seq 4207 thread 1 applied to standby database TESTA.

The error you received could indicate that there was another process accessing the archive log 4208 at the time when Dbvisit Standby tried to use it on the standby server. So, could there have been another process running at the time - such as a backup or a second standby database or something of the sort?

Otherwise with this older version of Dbvisit Standby it is possible that it made an attempt to access the archive log which had not yet completed its transfer. If the latter is the case then this issue has been resolved in newer versions of the software.

What you can look to do in the mean time is increase the values for LOCK_MAX_TIME_SEC and LOCK_RETRY_TIMEOUT_MILLISEC in the DDC file - and continue to monitor and tune according to the performance on your system. These are currently set to the following in your system, so just increase these values in the DDC file on the primary:


Arjen Visser June 08, 2013 09:36

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