Create Standby Failed with ORA-16024: parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 cannot be parsed


Read our docs This article explains how to resolve issues during Create Standby Process (CSD) with log_archive_dest_1 location  parameter being set improperly 

Problem Details

Problem Statement

CSD fails with log_archive_dest_1 parameter issue

Applicable Error Code

Restoring standby control files...
201306170638 - Remote execution error on prod2-b.
Starting Standby Database prd...201306171100 - SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL>
ORA-16024: parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 cannot be parsed Dbvisit Standby
terminated.Return code = 433(Tracefile required if contacting Dbvisit Standby
support: /usr/tmp/11437_dbv_functions_prd_201306171100.trc (server:prod2-b))
Dbvisit Standby terminated.
Return code = 177

Affected Versions

Noticed in Version 6.0 and 7.0 

Affected Platforms

Platform independent


The create standby database process (CSD) gave the following error:

Restoring standby control files...
201306170638 - Remote execution error on prod2-b.
Starting Standby Database prd...201306171100 - SQL> SQL> SQL> SQL>
ORA-16024: parameter LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 cannot be parsed Dbvisit Standby
terminated.Return code = 433(Tracefile required if contacting Dbvisit Standby
support: /usr/tmp/11437_dbv_functions_prd_201306171100.trc (server:prod2-b))
Dbvisit Standby terminated.
Return code = 177

(Tracefile required if contacting Dbvisit Standby support:
/usr/tmp/5773_dbvisit_setup_csd_prd_201306170638.trc (server:prod1-b))

In this instance the syntax for LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 was not correct, it was set to:


instead of the correct way which is to use the LOCATION keyword:


What this means is that the standby database really needs to be rebuilt from scratch (you need to restart the CSD process) to set correct syntax for this parameter. But, there is the possibility that using the following shortcut may work:

  • Locate the file /usr/tmp/dbv_prd_csd_init.ora on the PRIMARY server and edit it to set a correct value for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 parameter. Note: In this example the file name is dbv_<ddc>_csd_init.ora, so make sure you adjust this for your environment.

  • The file must be edited on the primary server as it is copied to the standby during the rebuild.

  • Then restart the CSD process to continue from where it stopped.


Also note that this workaround does not change Oracle parameter values for the standby recorded in the Dbvisit repository, which means that if you have saved your entries in a template, this template will remain invalid (as it will contain an old value for LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1).

So if encountering a similar error, you may wish to give this workaround a try, and if it fails then run the rebuild the standby database from scratch. Do so by restarting the CSD process and following all the prompts to provide the required details. Do not make use of the saved template. Once you have supplied all the correct values you can then overwrite the template (one with wrong values) by saving the new answers provided as a new template.

Anna MacNaughtan June 17, 2013 20:21

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