How to Allow Client Connectivity to Read-only Standby Database

Problem Description

Dbvisit Standby does not configure the standby database server networking (Listener and Tnsnames files). This step needs to be performed by the DBA.

The following provide more detail on the steps that can be followed to create the listener and then open the standby database read-only to allow remote connections:


You first need to configure your listener on the standby server. This can easily be done by using the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant ($ORACLE_HOME/bin/netca). Once that is done and the listener is started, the database should auto register with the listener (if running on port 1521). You can then open the standby database read only and should then be able to connect with clients.

To open the standby database read only mode, refer to the version specific user guide.

The clients will need to have a correct tnsnames entry for the standby database.

For example in my test environment I have a standby database called testdb running on a server called dbvlin102. So my client tnsnames.ora entry can look something like this:

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = dbvlin102)(PORT = 1521))
      (SERVICE_NAME = testdb)

Anton Els July 04, 2013 13:18

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