How to change the Hostnames of the Primary and Standby hosts with existing Standby configuration.


Read our docs The steps in this article will show you how to change the Hostnames of the Primary and Standby hosts with an existing Standby configuration running.

Note This applies if you are making use of Hostnames in the config files.

Problem Details

Problem Statement

What is the correct process to follow when changing the Hostnames of Primary and Standby hosts with an existing Standby configuration?

Applicable Error Code


Affected Versions

v8, v9,10

Affected Platforms



How to change the Hostnames of the Primary and Standby hosts with an existing Standby configuration, please make sure the following are done:

Note this applies if you are making use of Hostnames in the config files.

1. VERY IMPORTANT: Backup $DBVISIT_BASE directory on Primary and Standby, ensure to make a backup copy of the DDC file .env and the repository file  .db
2. Remove the DDC from the GUI console. This would remove DDC.env file from hosts. It is important to make a copy of the DDC file before deleting.
cp $DBVISIT_BASE/standby/conf/dbv_<DDC>.env $DBVISIT_BASE/standby/conf/dbv_<DDC_NEW>.env
3. Remove the Hosts from the GUI console
4. Stop Dbvisit processes/components on Primary and Standby.
5. Ensure /etc/hosts have new resolvable hostnames reflected on both hosts.
6. Change the listener_address and remote_address in dbvnet.conf.
7. Change the listener_address in dbvagent.conf.
8. If you have installed dbvserver on one of these servers which are about to change. You have to
     change listener_address and public_address in dbvserver.conf as well.
9. Copy the DDC.env file from backup to your  primary server or rename the new copy back to original
mv $DBVISIT_BASE/standby/conf/dbv_<DDC_NEW>.env $DBVISIT_BASE/standby/conf/dbv_<DDC>.env
10. Change the DDC file entries for the following on Primary only
       a. change SOURCE and DESTINATION parameters with the new values.
       b. Make sure the ARCHSOURCE/ARCHDEST locations are available..

11. Edit the file $DBVISIT_BASE/standby/dbvhost_<DDC>.sh file and change it to the correct Hostname.
12. Start all Dbvisit processes
13. Run ./dbvctl -d <DDC> -c from Primary to copy DDC to Standby
14. Refresh the repository, by running dbvctl with -R option the first time from Primary,
      example: ./dbvctl -d <DDC> -R
15. Add the new Hosts in GUI console
16. Import DDC in GUI console

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    Exitas, Service Desk

    Hi Charmaigne, good checklist as it also gives details about places/files where one would not expect the name of a server. I used this checklist as a guide to change the name of a primary server in a dbvisit standby (version 9) configuration. I have some remarks that could be useful:

    Step 2: when you remove the DDC from the GUI, the files themselves also are removed from the server (dbvisit makes a backup, so that's fine, but the file with the .env extention is not there.

    Step 9: As a result from step 2, one has to copy the backup .env file to its original .env name. The parameters SOURCE and DESTINATION have to be changed there.

    Step 11: start all dbv processes. On the primary this is fine, but the new .env files are not yet present at the standby server. dbvagent and dbvnet started fine on both primary and standby. dbvclt started on the primary for all databases involved. But dbvctl gave an error because the new .env files were not yet present at the standby server. I had to run ./dbvctl -d -c for each database (on the primary). Only thereafter I could start dbvctl on the standby server (according to the checlist you do this in step 14...)

    Step 14: had to be done earlier (step 11).

    From there onwards all went fine.

    Best regards. Filip

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    Shalini Anbu

    Hi Filip,

    Thank you for checking this.

    We have updated KB with required changes.

