ERROR_CODE:2111 Cannot create a DDC file DEV: validation failed.
Problem Details
Problem Statement
Creation of Dbvisit Configuration set up fails because of missing ASM instance entry in /etc/oratab
Applicable Error Code
Cannot create a DDC file DEV: validation failed.
202001251710 - ORACLE_HOME_ASM cannot be set for database ORACLE_SID_ASM on
Kiwi701. Please check if ORACLE_SID_ASM is correct, or add ORACLE_HOME_ASM to
Dbvisit Database configuration (DDC) file dbv_DEV.env on Kiwi701
Affected Versions
v8 and v9
Affected Platforms
This error occurs if the /etc/oratab is missing entries of ASM instance
cat /etc/oratab
Step1. Add the ASM instance entry in oratab
Step2: Run the DDC set up again
./dbvctl -o setup
Note: There is also a known issue in Oracle that Clusterware agent may remove all the manual entries /etc/oratab
Bug 18894342 - Clusterware agent may remove all the manual entries /etc/oratab (Doc ID 18894342.8)